When what we think,
say and do,
is in alignment.

The standard
is the


Ablaze for
we do.

A family that
plays together,
stays together.
Evoke is Educor’s in-house marketing and advertising agency. Operating as an independent service provider, the agency creates, drives and services, Educor’s strategic portfolios, target market research and development, above, below and through the line advertising and all other marketing related functions.
Educor has a strong heritage of educational excellence delivered through its face to face and distance learning channels and is fast establishing itself as a leader in the print, online and virtual spaces.
With an intimate understanding of the South African market and internationally, the agency directs the organisations’ strategic focus with regards to recruitment strategies, brand positioning and develops its retention strategies. Through both anecdotal and secondary research, the agency gains a thorough understanding of each of the markets it serves with its present focus being the international student.
Being able to identify, relate to and understand consumer nuances and communication using the subtleties of each country’s colloquial language, the agency is able to position each brand as the next door neighbour and not a beyond our borders service provider.
Doing Business in an Inspired Way
Evoke Agency was born as a result of many conversations around the future of our business. The fires of inspiration burned brightly in many and the time had come to expand our horizons and innovate. Evoke was birthed as an in-house agency to drive the marketing of the Group’s brands, as well as the marketing of our partners and subsidiaries from Homii to A1 Capital.
Something that clearly resonated with us all was the need for creating greater synergy within departments and above all real life. With this in mind there was the unequivocal move towards breathing new life and soul into all aspects of our services through a step-by-step process of reinvention.
As we approach a new era of marketing within Educor, we feel inspired to create a new sense of culture. Strengthening our interpersonal bonds as a team is of paramount importance. The energy and zest for life that the team bring to the table is tangible in charging up everything we do in business with the values of integrity, excellence, passion, fun and creativity.
Together we are a force to be reckoned with
The Educor Marketing department has since expanded its connections to include customer care, online sales and the digital arm of the business, emotion Studios. Together we now have a more intimate understanding of our South African and international markets. We have combined our resources to focus on excellence in service provision in education across all areas that we have our sights set on. Our goal is to provide an unparalleled agency-service.