Research Overview
Research is one of the important pillars of any Higher Education Institution (HEI) and has also become the source of information and knowledge that gives an organisation the competitive advantage. HEIs have recognised that is vital to improve their research profiles and hence to provide academics with opportunities to undertake research. We at Educor are fortunate to have the support of the CEO and shareholders to capacitate, empower and inspire our academics and to allow Educor to grow into a research institution. In 2016 research initiatives included amongst others workshops for academics, colloquiums, the first Educor Multi-disciplinary Journal, online staff development, research projects and selection of research representations from each brand. Hence, 2016 saw the amazing creation of a research culture within Educor brands. Building together is imperative in our way forward which will ultimately lead to more competent and highly-trained professionals.

Trisha Ramsuraj
Research Manager
Master of Business Administration (MBA)